Performance management

Barwon Water is responsible for the construction, operation, and maintenance of water infrastructure in our region.

One of our key responsibilities is to ensure that any water infrastructure built by developers, or other third parties, meets suitable design, safety and construction standards.


Accreditation enables us to verify the capabilities and competency of the providers involved in designing and constructing water infrastructure.

Only consultants and contractors accredited by Barwon Water are permitted to design or construct water infrastructure within the Barwon Water region.

The accreditation deed sets out the terms and conditions the provider needs to observe to provide services or carry out works.

Performance management

We manage the performance of our accredited providers to ensure that the infrastructure meets required standards, including durability, reliability, efficiency, and compliance with relevant regulations.

Our performance management framework (the framework) outlines how we will consistently and transparently audit and manage the administration obligations and work quality of our accredited providers.

The framework covers:

  • the roles and responsibilities for administering the mandatory requirements of the accreditation deed, and compliance with administrative processes
  • how we manage and evaluate performance
  • the actions that we may take in the event of a non-conformance, non-compliance, or defect
  • our performance ratings.

The framework does not alter Barwon Water’s statutory obligations under the Water Act 1989, nor does it limit the actions that Barwon Water may take in response to a non-conformance, non-compliance, or defect.

Our performance management framework

Your obligations

How we manage performance

Performance actions