Business customer satisfaction survey now closed.
Thank you to everyone for sharing feedback. If you entered the draw to win one of 10 chances to win $100 off your business water bill, please see list of winner below.
We’re offering the chance to win $100 off your business water bill for telling us what you think.
We’re conducting a 5-minute survey to understand your experiences of our services. We've set ourselves the challenge of building and retaining trust amongst our customers and community, so we’re keen to measure how we're going and understand the areas where we can improve.
As a token of our gratitude for your participation, you’ll have the option to go in the draw to win one of 10 chances to win $100 off your business water bill.
The survey will only take 5 minutes of your time and is completely confidential and anonymous. We welcome anyone in your business to take part.
Complete the survey here.
We have appointed Quantum Market Research (QMR) to undertake the independent research program to gather your feedback. You'll see their logo when you click through to the survey page.
For more information, or if you want to provide more extensive feedback than the survey allows, please contact Quantum Market Research on 9917 3432 or
As a valued Barwon Water customer and business that contributes positively to the prosperity of our region, we really value your insights.
We found customer feedback from last year’s survey truly helpful. By participating you will help us understand the experience of our customers, so we can keep improving our services into the future.