Trade waste acceptance standards

General limits
Temperature <35 °C
pH 6- 10
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) 500
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)1,200
Suspended Solids 500
Total Dissolved Solids  Note 1
Total Oil/Grease 200
Gross Solids Note 2
Colour Note 3
Odour Note 4
Sulfur 50
Sulfate 1,000
Sulfite 15
Sulfide 0.3
Surfactants (MBAS) 100
Ammonia 50
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)60
Phosphorus 14
Acrylonitrile 1
Cyanide 1
Inhibition Note 5
Total Mercaptans 0.5
Triethlyamine 1
Trimethlyamine 1
Radioactive substances Note 6
Headspace Note 7
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) 1
Pesticides (general) 1

Barwon Water may in some circumstances accept waste containing higher concentrations of these substances. Additional charges for treatment may apply.

  • Note 1: The daily load of Total Dissolved Solids must not exceed 200 kg/day, unless otherwise specified in the Trade Waste Agreement or Permit. The applicable concentration limit will be determined using the allowable maximum daily discharge rate as specified in the trade waste agreement or permit.
  • Note 2: Gross solids containing Trade Waste must be able to pass through a bar screen with 13mm spaces between bars and have a settling velocity of not more than 3m/h.
  • Note 3: The customer must not discharge Trade Waste containing colour which is noticeable after more than 100 dilutions.
  • Note 4: Non-detectable in 1 per cent dilution or causing an odour problem in Barwon Water’s sewerage system.
  • Note 5: The Customer must not discharge any Trade Waste which, when diluted to a 5 per cent solution with sewage, would inhibit the microbiological sewage treatment process applicable to the Trade Waste by more than 20 per cent. Barwon Water must determine the microbiological sewage treatment process.
  • Note 6: The customer must only discharge Trade Waste which complies in all respects with the Health (Radiation Safety) Regulations 1994, as amended from time to time.
  • Note 7: The customer must not discharge Trade Waste to Sewer, which at the nearest point of the Sewer accessible by humans from the discharge, in any respect fails to comply with every relevant Work Safe Australia Exposure Standard relating to short-term exposure levels.
ElementDaily mass load limit (g/day)
Aluminium 2,500
Arsenic 45
Boron as B 2,500
Cadmium 5
Chromium 450
Cobalt 30
Copper 250
Iron 1,900
Lead 30
Maganese 250
Mercury 1.2
Nickel 40
Selenium 15
Silver 5
Tin 30
Zinc 450

A mass load approach has been adopted for metal parameters.

The daily load for each respective metal parameter must not exceed the Daily Mass Load Limit. The applicable Concentration Limit for each respective metal parameter is determined using the Maximum Allowable Daily Discharge Rate as specified in the trade waste agreement or permit.

Halogens and halides
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Bromine (expressed as Br2) 1
Chlorine (expressed as Cl2) 1
Fluoride 30
Iodine (expressed as I2) 1
Phenolic substances
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Sum of phenol, monochlorophenol, dichlorophenol and their isomers 100
Trichlorophenol 50
Tetrachlorophenols 10
Pentachlorophenol 5
Aldehydes and ketones
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Acetone 10
Acrolein 0.05
Furfural 4
Formaldehyde (expressed as HCHO) 0.06
Mononuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Benzene 0.04
Cumene 0.4
2,4 Dinitrotoluene 130
Ethylbenzene 1.5
Nitrotoluene 5.0
Styrene 0.15
Toluene 1.5
Total Xylenes 1.5
Halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
1,2 Dichloroethane 5.0
1,1,1 Trichloroethane 0.6
1,1,2 Trichloroethane 1.1
1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane 0.5
Hexachlorethane 0.1
Chloroethane 0.5
1,2 Dichlorethylene 15
Trichloroethylene 0.7
Tetrachloroethylene 0.5
Carbon tetrachloride 0.03
Methylene chloride 2
Methyl chloride 0.05
Methyl bromide 0.07
Trichloromethane (chloroform) 0.4
Trichlorofluoromethane 1.2
Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.04
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Ethyl acrylate 1.2
Persistent organochlorine pesticides
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Aldrin 0.001
Chlordane 0.006
DDT 0.003
Dieldrin 0.001
Heptachlor 0.003
Lindane 0.1
Persistent organochlorine pesticides
SubstanceMaximum allowable concentration (mg/L)
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 0.002
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) 0.002

Prohibited substances

The customer must not discharge trade waste containing any substance not otherwise mentioned in this schedule unless specifically authorised under a Trade Waste Agreement.

The following substances must not be discharged:

  • fibrous material that, in the opinion of Barwon Water, is likely to cause obstructions in a drain or Sewer.
  • any free or floating layer of oil, fat or grease.
  • any free or floating layer of organic liquid
  • latex, paint, adhesives, rubber and plastic.
  • flammable and/or explosive substances unless the customer has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Authority that there is no possibility of explosion or fires occurring in the sewerage system. In all cases, the Trade Waste discharge must not exceed 5% of the lower explosive limit at 25 °C.
  • medical, clinical, surgery, veterinary, laboratory, or other pathological waste, or required to be rendered non-infectious prior to discharge if they are deemed to be a threat to the health and safety of operations and maintenance personnel or the community.
  • any genetically engineered organisms and/or mutant bacteria.