Being more efficient with water will lower both your water and energy bills, and help the environment too.
In and out in four minutes
Cutting your shower time down to four minutes just got more fun, thanks to our ‘4-minute shower songs’ playlist, available now on Spotify.
Time your shower to a tune, and you’ll be in and out in four minutes. Stream or download now.
WaterSmart Business Grants
WaterSmart business grants are available to business and agricultural customers connected to drinking water for projects that improve water efficiency and/or achieve permanent water savings.
The program will provide up to 50% of the direct costs of approved projects that deliver permanent reductions in drinking water consumption.
Barwon Water is partnering with the Victorian Government to implement a WaterSmart Business program to support large water users to improve their water efficiency, conserve precious drinking water and save money on water bills.
The program provides eligible organisations such as hospitals, councils, aged care facilities and some industrial sites with water usage monitoring for a three-year period and a one-off water efficiency audit of their site.
WaterSmart Business Rebates help eligible business owners to save water and save on their water bills by improving the water efficiency of their business.
Rebates of up to $1,500 are available to eligible customers to install approved water efficient products or services.
We’re working with residential customers across our region to help them be more waterwise.
WaterAssist Home helps homeowners who use more than 680 litres of water per day (more than 250 kilolitres per year) to save water and save money on their water bills. The program includes a home water use assessment and a reliable, affordable plumbing service to repair or replace inefficient water fittings.
Valued at $360 per household, the program is free for eligible homeowners.
It’s estimated 9% of water use can be attributed to undetected leaks.
Look for tell-tale signs such as mould or mildew, bulges in plasterboard, or swelling in timber, chipboard or laminate.
To check for leaks, take a reading of your water meter, turn off all your taps and don’t use your shower, bath, dishwasher or washing machine. Don’t forget garden taps or sprinkler timers. And you’ll have to wait to flush the loo!
Wait at least a few hours (overnight if possible), and then check the meter again. If the meter has ticked over, something is leaking.
Toilets and hot water service units are leak hot spots. If you can’t find or fix the leak, contact a licensed plumber. If you’re renting, contact your landlord or agent.
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme
The Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme is an Australian government initiative in partnership with state and territory governments.
It was established in 2005 as a national instrument to encourage more efficient domestic water use and reduce demand for drinking water by informing consumers about water efficiency at the point of sale.
This FREE course is designed to help you understand the scheme and how it is helping Australians save water as well as energy and money.