Apply for build over consent
A ‘build over’ refers to any work that is planned over or near Barwon Water’s assets or easements, including permanent or removable structures, and landscaping.
You must seek our consent for any works planned:
- over an asset
- within 1.0 m of an asset
- within an easement.
By protecting our assets, we can continue to provide you with clean, safe and secure water and sewer services.
Check for our assets and apply
Refer to our Build over consent guidelines for more details and technical requirements.
Build over consent guidelines
Check for our assets and apply
Use our online form to find out instantly if there are Barwon Water assets or easements on a property, and if you need to apply for build over consent.
Applications are processed online. There are four possible outcomes:
- You do not need our consent.
- Your application is declined.
- Your application is approved with conditions.
- Your application needs to be assessed by our team.
Application requirements
We will ask you to provide a brief description of the proposed works and submit detailed plans.
Your plans must show the proposed works in relation to our assets.
Submit all relevant plans, such as:
- building plan, including house connections
- foundation designs, including the angle of repose
- site plan, including elevations and distance of proposed works from the property boundaries.
Application fee
An application fee of $139.13 (current at 1 July 2024) is payable by credit card.
Application assessment
Some applications will need to be assessed by our team.
We want to ensure that any proposed works can proceed without risk to our assets or your property.
We may need to conduct a CCTV inspection and asset protection works, especially if an asset is older. For example, if a water or sewer pipe is made of an older material (e.g. concrete or clay), it may need to be upgraded.
Response time
We will assess applications within 10 days.
What to do when consent is declined
We will decline consent if the proposed works could damage or block access to our assets.
If you can relocate the works and reapply, we may be able to grant consent.
Refer to our Build over consent guidelines for more details and technical requirements.