Land development servicing requirements

This document has been written for all Accredited Consultants, Accredited Contractors, developers, land owners, surveyors, planning and referral authorities and Barwon Water personnel involved in the development of land within Barwon Water’s district.

This document contains information about Barwon Water’s servicing requirements for land development projects which includes sub-division of land and non-sub-division proposals.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Land Development Guide and the relevant development agreement terms and conditions contained on Barwon Water’s website. The requirements for any development proposal will be confirmed by the servicing requirements schedule of the relevant Developer deed or service requirements and costings.

1. Provision of Services

Generally, all new development projects, whether they be residential, commercial or industrial proposals, must be provided with a potable water supply and sewerage service. If the proposal is in a mandated recycled water area, this service must also be provided to the development. Sewerage services cannot be provided without a potable water supply. Exceptions to the requirement for any service are explained later in this document.

Services typically fall into two categories; Developer Works and Private Works, and apply to sub divisional and non-sub-divisional developments, and other connection arrangements.

1.1 Developer Works

Developer Works are assets provided by the developer utilising the services of Accredited Consultants and Accredited Contractors. The developer is required to engage these accredited parties for the provision of any reticulated and shared asset infrastructure, and/ or major infrastructure such as sewer and water/ recycled water pump-stations, and water/ recycled water supply tanks. The developer must enter into a Developer Deed with Barwon Water, and design, construct, and transfer the required Developer Works to Barwon Water.

Reticulation and shared assets are to comply with Barwon Water’s Standards. Reticulation and shared assets are defined on Barwon Water’s website under the Land Development section.

For many developments, the developer may be required to extend new infrastructure outside of the development land to the existing Barwon Water system.

Under the Developer Works process Barwon Water is responsible for:

  • Contributing to the cost of shared assets (known as Reimbursement Works) as described by the Essential Services Commission Price Determination for Barwon Water.

Developers are responsible for:

  • Providing new and/ or replacement reticulation assets;
  • The cost of connecting those assets to Barwon Water’s infrastructure;
  • Paying the costs associated with bringing forward Reimbursement Works, if they are required ahead of Barwon Water’s Infrastructure Sequencing Plan (refer Barwon Water’s website); and
  • Paying all fees and charges including New Customer Contributions.

1.1.1 Reimbursement Works

Barwon Water has developed Infrastructure Sequencing Plans which outline the future strategic potable water, recycled water and sewerage infrastructure and the timing of the infrastructure. The timing of the provision of infrastructure has been determined following a logical sequencing of development and utilization of existing system capacity. If a development wishes to proceed prior to the planned sequencing, then Barwon Water may levy Bring Forward Costs.

1.1.2 Bring Forward Costs

Bring forward costs are those costs levied where infrastructure is required by the developer earlier than planned by Barwon Water. The basis for these charges can be found within the Essential Services Guide to New Customer Contributions available on Barwon Waters’s website.

1.1.3 Temporary Works

The developer must bear the cost of any temporary reticulation works that will eventually be replaced by assets constructed by Barwon Water or arising out of other developments.

Temporary works are still required to be constructed to the Standards and are generally transferred to Barwon Water. There is no reimbursement for the cost of provision of temporary assets.

1.2 Private Works

Private Works are assets provided by the developer and include private pipelines, sewer and water pump-stations, and water supply tanks.

Private Works are not transferred to or maintained by Barwon Water other than the connection point to Barwon Water’s system, and will remain the property of the landowner(s) or an Owners Corporation.

Developers are responsible for:

  • Providing private assets;
  • The cost of connecting those assets to Barwon Water’s infrastructure;
  • Paying all fees and charges including New Customer Contributions; and
  • Connection to Barwon Water’s infrastructure in line with the conditions imposed by ‘consent to connect’.

1.2.1 Application to Connect

Should Private Works require connection to Barwon Water’s potable water, recycled water, gravity sewer or pressure sewer system, the developer must also adhere to the requirements of the ‘Conditions of Connection’ found on Barwon Water’s website.

In some cases the development will require a combination of Developer and Private Works (often referred to as “combined works”). Only after the completion of the Developer Works to the satisfaction of Barwon Water, the developer’s representative will need to submit an application seeking ‘Consent to connect’ before the plumbing and/or drainage contractor physically connects a private service pipe to a potable or recycled water main or a private drain to a sewer main. In certain circumstances Barwon Water may approve a ‘test prior’ allowing Private Works to commence ahead of the completion of the Developer Works.

‘Consent to connect’ (VBA consent number) is granted once the applicant agrees to the ‘conditions of connection’.

If a developer proposes to build over sanitary works supplying other properties Barwon Water will require a copy of the VBA modification before they can grant consent to connect.

Upon provision of the application to connect, the developer must ensure a copy of the ‘consent to connect’ and pertaining documentation is made available to;

  • Person(s) performing the private works
  • Land owners including future title holders, and
  • Any current occupiers of the land.

These conditions are binding on successor-in-title of the owner or occupier, under section 145 of the Water Act 1989. The applicant for must ensure they have the owner’s consent prior to making “application to connect’. The ‘conditions of connection’ and application for connection can be found on Barwon Waters website under Development/connections.

1.2.2 Amendment to Existing Private Assets (Sewer Amendments)

Under the relevant private works deed or SRC conditions, depending on the site layout and or the staging of the development, new sewer connections may be required or existing connections may be amended. Based on the information provided (within the application for the relevant deed or conditions) Barwon Water will provide a servicing strategy and determine the relevant fees.  The number and type of consents to connect may vary;

  • If an existing dwelling is to be utilized but its sanitary works are traversing though proposed allotments and or allotment boundaries, it is required to be rerouted with a new internal connection drain and a Consent to Connect (alteration) is required.
  • A new connection point does not require a Consent to Connect but if any sanitary drainage is laid the same time to bring the internal sewer connection inside the property for further connection a Consent to connect (alteration) is required. When the new building / dwelling is to be connected to the sanitary drain a consent to connect (new) is required.
  • Each and every new dwelling of a development that has individual connection to a Barwon Water main requires a separate Consent to Connect (new).
  • A development utilizing a combined drain requires a Consent to Connect (new) for each new dwelling connecting. If multiple dwellings are connecting to a combined drain at the same time by the same plumber they can be performed under a single consent to connect (new). If the works are to be performed by different plumber a consent to connect (new) is required for each plumber’s works.

In the absence of information pertaining to the construction process Barwon Water will charge each dwelling a consent to connect(alteration or new) unless it has been detailed that multiple dwellings connecting to a combined drain will be connected on the same day.

2. Requirement for Services

2.1 Reticulated Assets

Where sub-division is proposed, development sites that already join or are adjacent to, or in close proximity to potable water, recycled water or sewerage services must provide each newly created lot with a reticulated water, recycled water or sewerage service.

For non-subdivision proposals, the same requirement for services applies where building works are proposed.

Generally, land will require provision of and connection to services based on the table below.

Lot size (m²) Requirement for services

Up to 4,000 m²

Must be provided with reticulated water, recycled water (where mandated) and sewerage services.

From 4,001m² to 10,000 m²

Generally be required to have a reticulated water supply and recycled water (where mandated) and sewerage service where sewerage is deemed available.

From 10,001 m² to 40,000 m²

May be required to have a reticulated water supply and reticulated recycled water supply (where mandated) - however, it may not be required to have a reticulated sewerage system if land is zoned residential or similar.

Exceptions to having reticulated services installed will be considered for developments where:

  • the sub-division or non-sub-division proposal is considered by Barwon Water as too remote from the existing water/ recycled water supply or sewerage system (refer Section 5);
  • lots are considered super or balance lots, which will make up the later stages of a sub-division;
  • Private Works are permitted;
  • the land is zoned Farming or similar;
  • the proposed use does not require services (example – public open space), or
  • the land is out of district (refer Section 5).

Mandated recycled water areas include:

  • Armstrong Creek (growth area)
  • Torquay North

Class A Recycled water has been mandated in these areas through either the planning scheme or via a Section 173 Agreement. Class A recycled Water is to be used for toilet flushing and garden watering purposes.

2.1.1 Standards

Refer to the Land Development Guide.

2.2 Potable Water Connection

For the purpose of this section, a potable water connection is the tapping and service line and must comply with Barwon Water’s Standards.

For Developer Works:

  • The potable water connection is provided as part of the reticulation works or Reimbursement Works;
  • Is not a reimbursable component of Reimbursement Works;
  • Can be either DN 20 mm or DN 25 mm.

For Private Works:

  • The tapping of Barwon Water’s existing potable water main is undertaken by Barwon Water at the developer’s expense;
  • Where the existing potable water main is cracked asbestos pipe, Barwon Water will tap the existing main and the developers plumber is to arrange a Barwon Water approved asbestos contractor to dispose of the spoil at the developer’s expense, and at the time Barwon Water undertakes that tapping works;
  • The service line from the tapping (connection to Barwon Water’s existing potable water main) to either the meter assembly or where no meter is fitted, 500 mm inside the property is provided by the developer;
  • The tapping and service line is to be provided by the Accredited Contractor when Developer Works is required for services (example – reticulated sewer main extension);
  • The tapping and service line is to be provided by a licensed plumber when Private Works is required;
  • In the case of a development with an Owners Corporation, generally one (1) tapping of Barwon Water’s water main for each common property will be permitted.
  • Where common property exists, individual water service lines must extend into each allotment;
  • Size of service to be confirmed by Barwon Water, with DN 20 mm or DN 25 mm generally permitted;
  • Private service lines cannot cross allotment boundaries. Some exceptions may apply in respect of an Owners Corporation development.

For all projects:

  • Any existing water service that is not intended to be used is to be cut and sealed at the water main. In the case any existing water tapping may be undersized a replacement tapping of larger size will be required.
  • Where land is permitted to be used for commercial or industrial purposes, and buildings are not proposed at the time of application, potable water services are not required until buildings are proposed and size of service determined.
  • New potable water services are generally not permitted on pipelines greater than DN 225 mm.
  • Where a private potable water service connecting the land is combined with another private potable water service connecting other land not part of the development, the developer is required to connect the other private potable water service directly to a Barwon Water asset and may require Developer Works.

2.3 Recycled Water Connection

The requirements for recycled water are same as those for potable water except for:

  • The recycled water service line is provided by Barwon Water at the developer’s expense. Where a service crosses the roadway, a separate conduit for potable water and recycled water is to be provided by the Developer.

2.4 Sewerage Connection

For the purpose of this section a sewerage connection is the house connection point and side line and must comply with Barwon Water’s standards.

For Developer Works:

  • The sewer service is provided as part of the reticulation works or Reimbursement Works;
  • Size of connection can be either DN 100 mm or DN 150 mm;
  • Any sewer connection branch crossing a road pavement, is considered Developer Works irrespective of whether any other reticulation works for any other service is required or not;
  • A separate sewerage service must be provided for each separate lot within a sub-division, unless a spur branch is permitted.

For Private Works:

  • The existing house connection point within the development site is to be used to accommodate an additional connection if it is within 2.0 metres of a side boundary (title) line;
  • When the existing house connection point is being utilised for the second allotment, it must be branched inside the property boundary within the first metre, and prior to the first inspection opening on the Barwon Water asset. If this arrangement is not possible, the Developer must contact Barwon Water to determine a suitable solution.
    • Note: if the development is located within a boundary trap area, individual boundary traps are required for each individual house connection point.
  • The offset of the proposed house connection point to be a minimum 1.2 metres from the side boundary (or any other boundary).
  • Any connections deeper than 4.0 metres must be made directly into a sewer maintenance hole or maintenance chamber in accordance with Barwon Water requirements and approved product limitations. See Supplement to the WSAA Sewerage Code of Australia (2014) (PDF 1021.8 KB) for more information.;
  • Any existing house connection point no longer being utilised for the development must be decommissioned in accordance with Barwon Water’s Property Connection Decommissioning Process;
  • For developments of more than 10 lots or more than 10 dwellings, the connection must be made in accordance with Barwon Water requirements – See Supplement to the WSAA Sewerage Code of Australia (2014) (PDF 1021.8 KB) for more information;
  • Where any existing house connection branch is to be utilised for a development it must be CCTV inspected;
  • A Boundary Trap (BT) will be required –
    • in areas where existing educt vents are part of the sewer system, or
    • where Barwon Water permits connections to any sewer main DN 300 mm and larger. Note that connection to sewer mains of this size are generally not permitted.
    • on each individual house connection point (including any house connection point being branched).

For all projects:

  • Private pipe work connecting any building on a lot to the Barwon Water system must be wholly within the boundary of that lot and its provision and maintenance is the responsibility of the landowner or where applicable, the Owners Corporation.
  • Where a private sewer service connecting the land is combined with another private sewer service connecting other land not part of the development, the developer is required to connect the other private sewer service directly to a Barwon Water asset and may require Developer Works.

2.5 Metering

All water and recycled water meters are to be installed in accordance with the Metering requirements and sizing guide found on Barwon Water’s website.

For Developer Works:

  • Water and recycled water meters are not required unless building works are proposed.

For Private Works:

  • Water and recycled water meters are not required unless building works are proposed.
  • Barwon Water will supply and fit all DN 20 mm and DN 25 mm meters at the developer’s expense;
  • Barwon Water will supply all meters DN 32 mm and above at the developer’s expense;
  • The developer’s licensed plumber is to fit all meters DN 32 mm and above;
  • For developments up to six lots or dwellings, individual meters are required;
  • For developments of more than six lots or dwellings, a master (bulk) meter and sub-meters are required;
  • Multi-tenement developments (except multi-storey developments) require individual metering;
  • Remote read meters are required in cases where access is deemed to be either a safety issue, for security and property risk management, or where there is restricted access to meters;
  • Where a combined fire and domestic service is permitted beyond the meter assembly a dual meter set up is required with pressure reducing valve;
  • For existing and new multi-storey buildings, metering requirements will be determined in consultation with Barwon Water.
  • In recycled water areas, Barwon Water will provide both the potable water and recycled water meter assemblies as well as fitting the required meters for each service at the developer’s expense.

2.6 Alteration to Existing Barwon Water Assets

2.6.1 General

If existing Barwon Water assets require alteration as a result of the development, the developer must pay the actual cost of this work. Only contractors authorised by Barwon Water are permitted to carry out this work.

2.6.2 Asbestos Removal

Any asbestos pipe or other asset including asbestos may only be removed by a licensed contractor. Asbestos materials must be disposed of in accordance with any relevant federal or state legislation and any additional procedures imposed by Barwon Water.

Barwon Water may require evidence from the contractor regarding compliance with legislative requirements.

2.7 Abandoned Assets

2.7.1 Barwon Water Assets

Where a Barwon Water asset is to be abandoned, the developer must accept ownership of the existing asset, and is thereafter responsible for its decommissioning. Barwon Water conditions for abandoning assets will be detailed in the relevant development agreement.

2.7.2 Private Assets

In cases where a sub-division has or may cause any private asset to be abandoned, the developer must remove or make safe (in a manner acceptable to Barwon Water) the relevant asset.

For sewer works:

An accredited contractor is required to undertake the works. The process for decommissioning a sewer house connection point is found on Barwon Water’s website.

For potable/ recycled water:

Prior to the demolition of any building the landowner is required to apply to Barwon Water for the connection to be disconnected.

3. Sub-divisional Development

A sub-division is a type of development which involves the division of land into two or more lots that can be sold or transferred separately. Sub-divisions are regulated by the Sub-division Act 1988.

Sub-divisions can vary significantly from simple two-lot sub-divisions to broad scale residential development with many lots, and may include an Owners Corporation.

Any sub-division of land outside Barwon Water’s water or sewerage districts may be required to include a reticulated water and/or sewerage service connecting to Barwon Water’s system (at the request of Barwon Water or the developer). Such requirements may also be imposed by the municipal council acting as responsible authority under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

In these circumstances, special arrangements will need to be entered into between the developer and Barwon Water - see ‘Other connection arrangements’.

3.1 Sub-divisions without an Owners Corporation

These require Developer Works.

Private Works may be permitted for some 2 lot sub-divisions (refer Section 3.3).

3.2 Sub-divisions with an Owners Corporation

Where common land (property) joins all lots within a proposed sub-division, Barwon Water may permit Private Works depending on the number of proposed lots or size of any of the proposed lots within an Owners Corporation.

Owners Corporations be either ‘limited’ or ‘unlimited’.

For ‘Limited’ Owners Corporations:

  • Must describe the service under private ownership;
  • Must apportion the responsibility equally.

For ‘Unlimited’ Owners Corporations:

  • Must apportion the responsibility fairly taking into consideration other common services not required by Barwon Water.

Lots not included in an Owners Corporation must be directly connected to Barwon Water assets.

3.2.1 Owners Corporation developments (20 or more lot sub-division)

These require Developer Works.

3.2.2 Owners Corporation developments (3 to 19 lot sub-division)

Unless otherwise required by Barwon Water, the developer must either:

  • install Developer Works; or
  • install Private Works; and
  • install metering.

The option of providing Private Works will not take precedence over other servicing requirements, such as the installation of Barwon Water assets to service future development or provision of individual connections, where a Barwon Water asset fronts or joins the individual lot or unit.

Where any lot within the development is 500m² and above, Developer Works is required to all lots.

Where lots are remote from common land, Developer Works is required regardless of whether an Owners Corporation exists or is intended to be established.

3.2.3 Owners Corporation developments (2 lot sub-division)

Unless otherwise specified by Barwon Water, the developer must service these developments same as 2 lot sub-divisions without an Owners Corporation.

3.2.4 Owners Corporation developments (multi-story/ high-rise)

These require Private Works including separate metering, unless otherwise agreed.

3.3 Two (2) Lot sub-divisions

Two-lot sub-divisions are not formally referred to Barwon Water at the planning permit stage and the developer must make application to Barwon Water for servicing requirements and costing.

Requirements for 2 lot sub-divisions are based on lot size and as follows:

  • Where each lot 500 m² or less, Private Works are permitted for sewer. For water, each lot must front a Barwon Water potable water/ recycled water main with a separate tapping for each lot that may at times mean Developer Works is required.
  • Where any lot is greater than 500 m² Developer Works is required to all lots. Lots over 500 m² are classified by Barwon Water as standard allotments and require direct access to all applicable Barwon Water assets.
  • For battle-axe type allotments, Barwon Water may consider deducting the area proposed for use as access (driveway/ pathway) to the allotment when determining servicing requirements based on lot size. This will be considered in instances where any possible further subdivision of that allotment would most likely result in that portion of the land becoming common property.
  • Where new potable water, recycled water and/or sewerage works are required to serve the development, which are outside the land, Developer Works is required.

3.4 Commercial and Industrial proposals

3.4.1 General

Commercial and Industrial developments are generally serviced same as residential developments however Barwon Water may apply different requirements irrespective of lot numbers and lot size dependent on:

  • Location of services to proposed structures;
  • Access to assets.

These conditions will be determined upon application.

3.4.2 Trade Waste

Occupiers of commercial and industrial premises must enter into a trade waste agreement with Barwon Water or obtain a trade waste permit from Barwon Water before discharging trade waste into Barwon Water’s sewerage system.

Customers should consult Barwon Water’s Trade Waste Management Policy and Trade Waste By-Law, which are available on Barwon Water’s website for more information.

For new developments that require a sewerage service that incorporates a trade waste discharge, requirements will be imposed by Barwon Water in relation to pre-treatment, ongoing maintenance and discharge limits.

See Service by Agreement – Section 5.2

3.4.3 Fire Service – pressure and flow

Although Barwon Water is not required to provide fire flows from its reticulation potable water mains, it provides, on request, pressure and flow information. The potable water mains may have capacity to provide fire flows and it is essential to have correct pressure information to design fire protection systems as part of building requirements. An application for pressure and flow information can be located on Barwon Water’s website under Property connections.

3.4.4 Backflow

Where is has been determined that backflow prevention is required for potable and recycled water connections, then the following applies. Backflow falls into three categories; low, medium and high hazard.

For low hazard rating:

  • Works are to comply with AS/NZS AS3500, AS/NZS2845 and the Plumbing Code of Australia.

For medium and high hazard rating, and in addition to the above, Barwon Water will require:

  • The land owner to enter into a Backflow Prevention Device Agreement (refer Section 5.2); and
  • Any other relevant requirements advised by Barwon Water.

3.5 Sub-division of Existing Buildings

Existing buildings can include ground level and multi-storey dwellings or buildings.

For ground level sub-division of existing buildings, the requirement for Developer Works or Private Works is same as sub-division of land, and dependent on:

  • the number of lots being created;
  • the creation of common property and type of Owners Corporation included; and
  • in the case of a 2 lot sub-division, the size of the lots.

For sub-division of existing multi-storey buildings:

  • Private Works are required, unless private internal services are deemed by Barwon Water as compliant with the requirement for Private Works or services cannot be physically separated; and
  • The formation of an Owners Corporation is required.

3.6 Boundary Re-alignment

Where a property boundary is realigned by sub-division of land that results in services crossing property boundaries, the relevant service must be abandoned and relocated, and may require Private Works. If an allotment becomes remote from a service as a result of the boundary realignment, then Developer Works will be required.

3.7 Consolidation

Where consolidation of titles occurs, Barwon Water will require removal or decommissioning of redundant connections to existing Barwon Water assets. Multiple connections for single allotments are not permitted.

4. Non sub-divisional development

Non sub-divisional development include:

  • multi-tenement
  • high demand customers
  • alterations to an existing building that can include addition or removal of internal walls

For commercial and industrial proposals, Trade Waste, Pressure and Flow, and Backflow Prevention may be required. Information on any of these requirements can be found in Section 3.

4.1 Reticulation Works

4.1.1 Access to Services

If a new development requiring services does not front or is not adjacent to existing Barwon Water assets, the developer will need to construct Developer Works from the existing Barwon Water system.

4.1.2 Future Sub-division

If land is intended to be subdivided at a later date, or where land is subdivided at a later date, the servicing requirements for sub-division will apply. Where sub-division occurs after completion of the non-sub-divisional proposal, should newly constructed Private Works not comply with the requirements for sub-division, the Private Works will be considered redundant and to be replaced.

4.2 Multi-tenement development

Multi-tenement developments tend to be divided into three categories, namely:

  • dual occupancies
  • multi storey developments (high rise)
  • multi-premises developments (non-high rise)

Many requirements in relation to non-sub-divisional developments are the same or similar to sub-divisions including:

  • the requirement to provide water and/or sewerage from boundary to boundary (unless otherwise agreed by Barwon Water);
  • the requirement to construct Developer Works to the development site, where the site is remote from existing Barwon Water assets;
  • provision of metering.

4.2.1 Dual occupancy

A dual occupancy is where a second dwelling is constructed on a single title or lot without that land being subdivided.

Barwon Water will apply the same requirements to a dual occupancy development as to a two-lot sub-division. Some exceptions apply and Barwon Water will determine whether an exception applies upon application.

4.2.2 Multi-storey developments (high rise)

These require Private Works.

Connection and metering requirements will need to be determined in consultation with Barwon Water.

4.2.3 Multi-premises developments (non-high rise)

Some developments with multiple dwellings or premises are not intended to be subdivided. Examples include retirement villages or accommodation (holiday) facilities. Commercial examples include shopping centres.

Developments (20 or more units or tenements)

Developers must install Developer Works.

Private works may be permitted for retirement villages, short term (holiday) accommodation proposals and shopping centres.

Developments (up to 19 units or tenements)

Unless otherwise required by Barwon Water, the developer may choose to either:

  • install Developer Works; or
  • install Private Works. The landowner will be responsible for owning, operating and maintaining these private assets; and
  • install metering.

Note: the option of retaining privately owned assets will not take precedence over other servicing requirements; such as the installation of Barwon Water assets to service future development, or provision of individual connections where a Barwon Water asset fronts or joins the individual lot or unit.

4.3 High (Potable) Water Demand Customers

Barwon Water considers high water demand customers to have a peak instantaneous demand of greater than 1L/s and/ or annual demand of greater than 5ML. It should be noted that demands less than these could also have a significant effect on existing systems depending on the location, and will be determined upon application.

Customers with high water demand may not be able to be supplied from the existing system as the system may not have capacity to cater for the development, of the demand on the system may adversely affect supply to existing customers. Categories include:

  • supply to rural areas for domestic and stock purposes;
  • supply to rural industries such as market gardens, or broiler farms;
  • supply to commercial or industrial operations with high water supply requirements.

New developments fitting one of these categories will require the developer to construct Developer Works. Developer Works may include new infrastructure to the site or upgrade of Barwon Water’s existing assets away from the site.

In some cases, Barwon Water may allow the connection of the supply from the Barwon Water system to the property via Private Works (refer section 5 – Other Connection arrangements).

4.4 Other Government Authority Works

In certain circumstances, other government authorities may need to construct works in the vicinity of existing Barwon Water assets.

Works by other authorities may also require the relocation of Barwon Water assets. Such assets are protected under the Water Act 1989 and cannot be impacted, moved or worked on without the consent of Barwon Water. Any alteration to, or relocation of any Barwon Water asset is considered same as Developer Works with the other government authority assuming the role of developer.

The Water Act 1989 sets out various powers of Barwon Water and makes special provision for interaction with the works and other assets of other authorities.

4.4.1 Requirements for roads and railways

Section 137 of the Water Act 1989 operates in conjunction with the Road Management Act 2004.

The Road Management Act 2004 applies to Barwon Water in relation to ‘non road infrastructure’ in roads. Such infrastructure would include pipelines for example.

Special provisions apply to and in relation to railway operations - namely sections 137A, 137B and 137C of the Water Act 1989.

Before carrying out any rail operations that might threaten or be likely to impact upon the safety of Barwon Water’s assets, rail operators must notify Barwon Water of its intention to carry out those works.

5. Other Connection Arrangements

For some developments, the more common approval processes may not apply. For the circumstances outlined in this section, alternate processes are discussed and must be complied with to Barwon Water’s standards.

5.1 Out of District Services

Where a developer proposes a development outside Barwon Water’s potable water, recycled water or sewerage district, and where there is no intention to extend the potable water, recycled water or sewerage district, Barwon Water cannot mandate connection to services.

Potable water, recycled water and/or sewerage services may still be required by the relevant municipal council, the Environment Protection Authority or the developer. For example, the development may not be able to take place without a drinking water supply or sewerage service.

No potable water supply, recycled water supply or sewerage service may be provided by Barwon Water outside its water or sewerage district unless or until the Victorian Minister for Water provides consent (either personally or via delegation) to Barwon Water to do so. Furthermore, consent is required from the relevant water corporation where the land sits outside of Barwon Water’s district.

Barwon Water can, if requested, apply to the Water Minister to amend our district to accommodate the proposed development. This would be investigated on a case by case basis in consultation with the Council, DELWP and applicant.

The ongoing provision of potable water, recycled water and/or sewerage services to any such land out of district must be by a “service by agreement”.

5.2 Service by Separate Written Agreement

The provision of either a potable water, recycled water or sewerage service by Separate Written Agreement (SWA) may occur in circumstances including:

  • out of district service provision;
  • land considered remote from Barwon Water services;
  • high demand customers (only if Developer Works is deemed not possible by Barwon Water);
  • trade waste customers;
  • customers requiring medium or high hazard backflow prevention.
  • Areas where the provision of a chartered supply is not possible at all times, however some limited services may be available.

There are some exceptions to the above, and in these cases, a service by SWA will not be considered and these projects will require Developer Works. Examples where this may apply includes:

  • Large scale commercial and industrial properties (i.e. Hotels, Sporting Complexes, Distribution Centres, Airports etc.);
  • High demand water users;
  • Properties where Barwon Water believes it is best placed and has a responsibility to manage potable water quality.

A service by SWA:

  • may include obligations in relation to construction of infrastructure, but importantly will include provisions in relation to the ongoing supply of services to the relevant landowner or customer. In these cases the private assets will remain in the ownership and be the responsibility of the customer/ landowner;
  • is a contract entered into by the property occupier with Barwon Water for the supply of a service;
  • is not transferable on change of ownership or occupancy of the relevant property.

Upon transfer of land ownership or change in occupier of the land, a new SWA must be entered into between Barwon Water and the new property owner. If no new SWA is completed, the connection to Barwon Water’s system must be disconnected by a licensed plumber engaged by the occupier, and for potable water, the water meter returned to Barwon Water. Should the occupier fail to have the service disconnected, Barwon Water may cause the work to be carried out at the occupier’s expense.

5.2.1 Potable Water Supply

Supply of potable water by Separate Written Agreement (also known as a Water Supply by Agreement) is generally permitted for those occupants of rural properties where the land is:

  • out of district; or
  • zoned ‘farming’ or other similar zoning; and
  • at least 200 metres from an existing Barwon Water reticulation asset; or
  • at least 100 metres from an existing water supply by SWA customer and that customer has granted permission to extend that private service; or
  • where Barwon Water cannot guarantee supply.

Supply of potable water to the land requires Private Works (more commonly known as a ‘private extension’) and these private extensions are owned and maintained by the customer(s) and Barwon Water provides no guarantee of quality, quantity, continuity or pressure. Requirements for potable water supply by SWA include:

  • Only one (1) potable water tapping permitted per property;
  • A water meter will be installed at point of connection to a Barwon Water asset, and another at the property boundary for combined services, to measure water consumption;
  • Private service pipes shall be located only within the property served and within road reserves. Consent from local Council will be required;
  • Private service pipes must not cross titles unless those titles are in the same ownership as the water supply by SWA. Where land titles change ownership, any private water service that crosses that title boundary must be removed;
  • The size of the service is to be no greater than DN 25 mm unless otherwise approved by Barwon Water;
  • If, in the opinion of Barwon Water, insufficient flow might be received at the property, a tapping larger than normal may be permitted. Alternatively where the length of service pipe will severely restrict supply, the service pipe between the tapping and the meter may be larger than the approved tapping size in order to reduce friction losses.
  • Barwon Water may require the applicant to install a pressure sustaining valve, at their cost, at the beginning of the private extension to ensure that existing customers off that line are not disadvantaged.
  • Branches from existing private extensions or extension of existing combined services will only be permitted where all parties (i.e. Barwon Water and owners already supplied by such service) agree to such branch or extension.
  • The applicant should install at least 2-3 peak days’ supply on-site to allow for possible interruptions to supply and inadequacies in the private extension. On-site pumping from this storage will normally be required.
  • New Customer Contributions will be payable at the standard rate prior to the tapping being taken. Tapping size at mains will be in accordance with policy for a single tapping and in accordance with Victorian Plumbing Regulations.

Priority for supply is generally given to the supply of potable water for domestic and stock purposes.

Although some properties may have existing connections to Transfer mains, no new agreements will be offered for continuation of supply from these Transfer mains.

5.2.2 Recycled Water (Class C)

Where Class C water is available, Barwon Water will determine whether Developer Works or Private Works is required.

5.2.3 Sewer by Agreement

Where a conventional reticulated gravity sewer cannot be provided to a property Barwon Water may consider entering into an arrangement to supply sewerage services to that property by a Separate Written Agreement (SWA).

Barwon Water may also consider sewerage services to a single title by SWA where land is at least 200 metres from an existing Barwon Water reticulation asset.

Conditions of sewer by SWA are established on a case-by-case basis and may include:

  • Restricted times of discharge into Barwon Water’s system;
  • Restricted rate of flow into Barwon Water’s system;
  • Provision of on-site sewer pump station and connecting pressure/gravity main;
  • Provision of on-site storage;
  • Private service pipes to be located only within the property served and within road reserves;
  • All required permissions are obtained (consent from local Council and EPA);
  • Private service pipes must not cross any other property;
  • Charges levied in accordance with Barwon Water’s adopted fees that include payment of New Customer Contributions at the standard rate.

Supply of sewerage services to the land requires Private Works and these private assets are owned and maintained by the customer(s).

Requirements for sewer service by SWA include:

  • Only one service permitted per title;
  • Private service pipes shall be located only within the property served and within road reserves. Consent from local Council will be required;

New Customer Contributions will be payable at the standard rate prior to the connection to Barwon Water’s existing system being undertaken.

6. Asset Protection

Development of land may create requirements regarding the protection of potable and recycled water and/or sewerage assets, including:

  • existing assets that the development may impact; or
  • new assets (Developer Works and Private Works) constructed for a development.

6.1 Existing Assets

6.1.1 Statutory Protection

Section 148 of the Water Act 1989 prohibits any works above or below an existing water and/or sewerage asset, or any works that may impact the structural integrity of existing water and/or sewerage assets. In respect of new developments, the developer, consultant and contractor must locate existing water and/or sewerage assets.

Barwon Water have rights under the Water Act to remove any illegal structure and exercise these rights at their discretion. Any Illegal structure detected may result in Barwon Water taking action against the offending person(s). This includes, but is not limited to, pursuing any costs for rectification works due to damage caused to assets through works associated with development, including other works such as installation of footings/ foundations and/ or ground anchors.

It is also an offence to:

  • connect to the (potable and recycled) water and/or sewerage assets of Barwon Water without consent or in accordance with the requirements imposed by Barwon Water; and
  • operate a Barwon Water asset.

6.1.2 Build Over Consent

Consent to build over or within close proximity to a Barwon Water asset is required in order for a land owner to place a structure or undertake works within:

  • a Barwon Water easement; or
  • within 1.0 metre from the centre of a gravity main 225 mm in diameter or less; or
  • within 1.0 metre from the outside edge of all other Barwon Water assets.

Works outside the areas described above do not require consent from Barwon Water however the designer of any new assets or structures must take the presence of Barwon Water assets into consideration.

Where Barwon Water allows works to be carried out above, under or around an existing asset or easement, this permission will be granted to the landowner via a ‘build over’ approval issued pursuant to section 148 of the Water Act 1989. Any approval:

  • remains attached to the land;
  • requires the landowner to be responsible for any costs associated with future repairs or replacement of the Barwon Water asset;
  • requires the landowner to be responsible for any costs should any buildings, paving or works or the like affected by the build over approval need to be removed in order to repair the Barwon Water asset.

Assessment of any application will be in accordance with Barwon Water’s Asset Protection Policy available on Barwon Water’s website.

Refer to Barwon Water’s Asset Protection Policy for further information.

6.2 Easement and Reserves

Easements and reserves created under a planning permit as required by Barwon Water must be included on any plan of sub-division to encompass and new or existing potable water, recycled water and sewerage services. These easements and reserves must vest in Barwon Water upon registration of the Plan of Sub-division.

Existing easements may be retained, unless Barwon Water requires the easement to be extended (width and length) because of the proposed development.

If a development results in higher density development (e.g. from farmland to residential or industrial) then any existing easement may be required to be converted to a reserve to vest in Barwon Water.

For developments that will retain existing private works and/ or create new private works, Barwon Water will require the imposition of easements in accordance with 12(2) of the Sub-division Act 1988 on the plan of sub-division.

6.2.1 Easement Requirements

Easements to protect Barwon Water infrastructure may exist in favour of Barwon Water or may exist in favour of other land in the case of private assets.

Requirements for easements in favour of Barwon Water include:

  • to be named in favour of Barwon Region Water Corporation;
  • carriageway easements allowing Barwon Water or its representatives to travel over the relevant land;
  • pipelines or ancillary purposes; and
  • dimensioned in accordance with Section 6.3, or where nominated, the WSAA Sewer Code.

Easements for Barwon Water can be created in a number of ways, most commonly during the development of land where the relevant Plan of Sub-division is required.

Easements are to be based on actual locations of assets or “as constructed” data for new assets. Barwon Water’s GIS system should not be relied on for accurate locations.

Barwon Water can require such easements to be created via a condition in a planning permit or upon the referral of the relevant plan of sub-division to Barwon Water under the Sub-division Act 1988, for certification. If created by way of a Plan of Sub-division, easements and reserves must comply with the Sub-division Act 1988 and Water Act 1989 and be specified on the plan of sub-division as being in favour of Barwon Region Water Corporation.

If not created by way of a plan of sub-division, easements must be transferred to Barwon Water pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Transfer of Land Act 1958 with conditions approved by Barwon Water. These easements are to be created at the developer’s expense and created by agreement between Barwon Water and the relevant landowner, with the land owner/ developer engaging the services of a legal practitioner.

On occasion, Barwon Water may compulsorily acquire an easement under its powers under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986.

Requirements for easements in favour of allotments include:

  • to be named in favour of the lot number;
  • for the purpose of service (example – sewerage purposes); and
  • dimensioned in accordance with Section 6.3.

Set out in Part 6.3 are examples of the nature and size of easements that are likely to be required in particular circumstances. These should be taken as a guide and Barwon Water may vary these requirements from time to time.

6.2.2 Section 12(1) Easements

These are expressed easements shown on the plan of sub-division.

6.2.3 Section 12(2) Easements

These are implied easements represented on the plan of sub-division as a notation.

6.2.4 Reserves

For large water and/or sewerage assets, Barwon Water may require the creation of a reserve to protect these assets. Where a sub-divisional development is planned for land that contains, or is to contain, a large Barwon Water asset, rather than an easement, Barwon Water may require a reserve to be created.

Barwon Water can call for a reserve to be created at the time of a planning permit referral, pursuant to section 136 of the Water Act 1989.

If the relevant development does not include a sub-division, it may be necessary for Barwon Water to require the developer to create a reserve by some other means; namely a separate or new plan of sub-division.

Any requirement to create a reserve is likely to be a precondition to either the consent to the Statement of compliance for the sub-division, or consent to connection of the development to Barwon Water’s system.

6.2.5 Road Reserves

Where the water or sewerage pipeline is located in a road reserve owned and/or managed by either the municipal council or VicRoads, subject to the appropriate consents being obtained from VicRoads or the municipal council (as applicable), Barwon Water does not require the creation of easements in that road reserve to protect those assets.

Where significant assets are involved, however, a reserve may be required by Barwon Water.

For private roads where the title to the road is with a private individual, an easement or reserve may still be required.

6.2.6 Other Reserves

For reserves owned by other authorities (other than road reserves) (e.g. municipal parks) Barwon Water will require easements in its favour over existing and proposed assets.

6.3 Examples of Easements and Reserves Requirements

The following information includes a series of examples in relation to both sewerage and water infrastructure, where an easement or reserve may be required, dependent upon:

  • the current and future ownership of the affected land
  • whether it is a water or sewerage main
  • the size of the particular main

The following information should be used as a guide. However, it should be noted that requirements may vary in specific circumstances.

6.3.1 Reticulation works - gravity mains

For front and rear easements, refer to drawing MRWA – S -112 for proposed or existing sewer pipelines.

For side easements, the width of the easement is to be a minimum 2.5 metres for proposed sewer pipelines. There must be 1.0 metre clearance from the sewer main or spur branch to the outside edge of the easement.

For existing sewer assets along the side boundary, the easement width is to be the greater of either the existing sewer easement, or a minimum of 2.5 metres for pipes up to and including DN 225 mm. There must be 1.0 metre clearance from the sewer main or spur branch to the outside edge of the easement.

For any pipeline greater than DN 225 mm in any location, the easement width is to be the greater of either the existing sewer easement, or 6.0 metres.

For any easement over existing and proposed sewer mains, the sewer main must be located a minimum of 1.0 metres inside the outer edge of the easement. If this is not the case, the width of the easement is to increase to achieve the 1.0-metre clearance.

6.3.2 Private works - gravity mains (2 Lot Subdivisions)

Current Land Use
Pipe Size

Private property

Up to 150 mm

Section 12(2) easement in favour of lots on plan.

Lots less than or equal to 500 m².

Diagram of section 12(2) easement in favour of lots on plan.

6.3.3 Sewer pump stations

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Sewer pump station - not allowed in private property under any circumstances


Create a Reserve – Relevant part of the land ( which must have road frontage), is to vest in Barwon Water

Municipal or other reserve


Located within easement with carriageway rights. Easement sizes determined on an individual basis.

6.3.4 Pressure sewer systems

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Size of easement to be determined upon request with minimum size being 1.0 metre from edge of pump chamber and property connection kit.

For low pressure reticulation lines (external to private property) same as for Rising mains.

Municipal or other reserve


Same as rising mains.

6.3.5 Sewer rising mains

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Sewer rising mains not permitted in private property unless otherwise approved by Barwon Water.


6 m reserve with the pipe located centrally within an easement.

Municipal or other reserve

Less than or equal to 150 mm

Minimum 4.0 m easement. Pipe located centrally within easement.

Greater than 150 mm

Minimum 6.0 m easement. Pipe located centrally within easement.

6.3.6 Recycled water pipelines

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Recycled water pipelines not allowed in private property unless otherwise approved by Barwon Water.

Municipal or other reserve

Up to 150 mm

Minimum 4.0 m easement.

Greater than 150 mm

Minimum 4.0 m easement.

6.3.7 Gas checks and emergency relief structures (ERS)

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


ERS-not allowed in private property unless otherwise approved by Barwon Water.

Municipal or other reserve


Located within easement with carriageway rights. Size shall be such that a minimum of 1.0 m clearance exists from edge of easement to outside of structure. Refer WSAA Codes and Barwon Water Standards.

24 hour access will be required.

6.3.8 Sewer detention tanks

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


ERS-not allowed in private property unless otherwise approved by Barwon Water.

Municipal or other reserve


Located within easement with carriageway rights. Size shall be such that a minimum of 1.0 m clearance exists from edge of easement to outside of structure. Refer WSAA Codes and Barwon Water Standards.

24 hour access will be required.

6.3.8 Sewer detention tanks

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Sewer detention tank not allowed in private property under any circumstances.

Create a Reserve – Relevant part of the land (which must have road frontage), is to vest in Barwon Water

Municipal or other reserve


Located within an easement, with carriageway rights. Easement size determined on an individual basis.

24 hour access required.

6.3.9 Chemical injection plants

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Chemical injection plant not allowed in private property under any circumstances.

Create a Reserve – Relevant part of the land (which must have road frontage), is to vest in Barwon Water

Municipal or other reserve


Located within an easement with carriageway rights. Easement size determined on an individual basis, based on facility operation/dangerous goods.  24 hour access will be required.

6.3.10 Water mains – general

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Water main not allowed unless otherwise approved by Barwon Water.

Up to 150 mm

Minimum 6.0 m easement, generally with polyethylene pipe in steel conduit (this is a risk minimisation option when no other alternatives are available.

Greater than 150 mm

Not Permitted - Reserve required 225 mm reserve to be 6 m

Greater than 225 mm Reserve width to be 10 to 15 m.

Municipal or other reserve

Up to 600 mm

Minimum 4.0 m easement

Also applies to road closure reserves as shown below

Diagram showing minimum 4.0 m easement applied to a road closure reserve.

Greater than 600 mm

Easement size to be determined

Also applies to road closure reserves as shown above

Owners corporation common property

Up to 150 mm

Minimum 4.0 m easement in common land used for roadway

Greater than 150 mm

Not Permitted - Reserve required

6.3.11 Pressure reducing stations

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Pressure reducing station not allowed on private property under any circumstances

Create a Reserve – Relevant part of the land ( which must have road frontage), is to vest in Barwon Water

Municipal or other reserve


Located within an easement with carriageway rights. Size shall be determined on a case-by-case basis according to what is required to operate the facility. Site to be fenced.

Depending on the size of the installation, it may be installed in the road reserve if no alternative is available.

6.3.12. Water treatment plants e.g. chlorinator

Current Land Use Pipe SizeRequirement

Private property


Water treatment plant not allowed on private property

Municipal or other reserve


Located within an easement with carriageway rights. Size shall be determined on a case by case basis according to what is required to operate the facility. Site to be fenced.

Depending on the size of the installation, it may be installed in the road reserve if no alternative is available.

6.3.13 Reservoirs and tanks

Structure is to be located on land owned by Barwon Water or on land over which Barwon Water has management control.

6.3.14 Major valves or metering installations

Installation is to be located on land owned by Barwon Water or on land over which Barwon Water has management control. Depending on the size of the installation, it may be installed in the road reserve if no alternative is available.

7. Fees and Charges

7.1 Introduction

All new developments of land and/or buildings requiring water and/or sewerage connections or works will have associated fees and charges payable to Barwon Water.

The fees and charges levied by Barwon Water are subject to an approval process under the Water Act 1989 as well as approval by the ESC. The ESC determines the responsibility for funding water, sewerage and recycled water infrastructure required for servicing new developments.

7.2 New Customer Contributions

New Customer Contributions (NCC) are an upfront payment to recover the cost of major water, sewerage and recycled water infrastructure required to service new developments.

Barwon Water’s Guide to New Customer Contributions outlines Barwon Water’s methodology for calculation and implementation of NCC and provides information for the land development industry. Barwon Water has developed standardised New Customer Contributions in accordance with the Essential Services Commission’s (ESC) pricing principles. For simplicity, Barwon Water has adopted standardised charges for the defined eligible areas within its region, and apply these changes to sub-divisional and non-sub-divisional developments.

The payment of a standardised NCC is payable for:

  • any new lot on a plan of sub-division;
  • any apartment, unit, or premises that is to be or can be separately metered;
  • specialised developments.

Specialised developments are charged on the basis of an equivalent lot calculation. The equivalent lot calculation is based on domestic water meter size. Further information on specialised developments and calculation of NCCs will be provided upon application.

7.3 Administration fees

Administration fees are charged to recover costs incurred for preparation of the Development Deed or service requirements and costings, design audit, construction audit, asset recording survey (as required), preparation of as constructed plans and associated administration. Administration Fees are based on the size of the development and whether Developer Works are required. Details of the basis of these calculations and current rates are available on Barwon Water’s website.  (Fees and charges Business customers).

In summary costs and charges include:

  • Application Fee – is the charged at the time of application and allows for the preparation of the relevant developer deed and/ or service requirements and costing.
  • Tapping Fee – is the fee for the under pressure tapping of water and/ or recycled water mains by BW or arranged by BW.
  • Sale of Water Meter Fee – is the fee for the supply of a potable water meter by BW (non-recycled water area).
  • Meter Connection Fee – is the fee for the fitment of a potable water meter by BW (non-recycled water area).
  • Installation of a Potable Water Meter in a Dual Pipe Area Fee – is the fee for the fitment of a potable water meter by BW (in a recycled water area).
  • Installation of a Recycled Water Meter in a Dual Pipe Area Fee – is the fee for the fitment of a recycled water meter by BW (in a recycled water area).
  • Supply of Meter Assembly (Potable) in a Dual Pipe Area Fee – is the fee for the provision of the potable water meter assembly by BW (in a recycled water area).
  • Supply of Meter Assembly (Recycled Water) in a Dual Pipe Area Fee – is the fee for the provision of the recycled water meter assembly by BW (in a recycled water area).
  • Inspection Fee – is the fee for the inspection of and processing of plans for water cut and seal and/ or sewer connection point cut in.
  • Backflow Prevention Fee – is the fee for the registering of a backflow prevention device with BW.
  • Sewer Application Fee (New) – is the fee for the processing of the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) consent for new private works for residential developments by BW.
  • Sewer Application Fee (Amendment) – is the fee for the processing of the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) consent for alteration to existing private works for residential development by BW.
  • Sewer Application Fee (Commercial) – is the fee for the processing of the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) consent for new private works or alteration to existing private works for commercial development by BW.

7.4 Works Warranty Bond

A Works Warranty Bond is required for ensuring that the Works are completed by the Developer in accordance with the requirements of the Development Agreement.

For Developer Works the Developer must give Barwon Water a Works Warranty Bond for an amount equal to or greater than:

  • 5 per cent of the value of the Developer Works when the value of works exceed $20,000.

For Private Works projects that are not subject to subdivision of land, the Developer must give Barwon Water a Works Warranty Bond for an amount equal to or greater than:

  • $2,000 for Private Works of any value.

The Works Warranty Bond must be provided for Private Works prior to the acceptance of the Developer deed and for Developer Works prior to Barwon Water issuing an Acceptance of Works Certificate. Works Warranty Bonds must be in the form of a bank guarantee. Any other form must obtain prior approval by Barwon Water in its absolute discretion. Upon the expiration of two (2) years after Barwon Water issues a Certificate of Completion, the Developer may apply to Barwon Water for a return of the balance of the Works Warranty Bond then held by Barwon Water (if any). The request is usually in the form of the end of warranty period notification.

Sub-division examples

Refer to Typical Suggested Servicing diagrams located below.