Access to GIS data

This page provides information and a link to access our new Open Data Directory to allow users to find and view Barwon Water’s asset data.

Use of this new website will increase efficiency and speed of resolution for those needing to access key asset information, with no manual data request now required.

We have published 16 GIS data sets online, covering underground water, recycled water and sewer assets. The asset data will be updated once per month and can be viewed on a map or in a table format, which can be downloaded or used in your own mapping application, if applicable.

The datasets have been reduced to exclude any sensitive or customer data, so they are safe for open access.

Barwon Water's Open Data website

The data is available under a Creative Commons License, that together with the associated disclaimer, removes the need for individual data agreements.

For further information, or issues with using the site, please contact