During the warmer months of the year, it’s more important than ever to check for leaks in and around your home. Undetected leaks, big or small, can cause you higher water bills, as well as waste precious drinking water supplies, so it’s a good idea to check regularly. In the drier months, outdoor leaks can also be easier to find, and fix.
Check all your water related fixtures, fittings and taps to ensure none are leaking – this is the most common cause of water loss. A leaking tap with a few drips per minute can waste up to 12,000 litres of drinking water per year if left unfixed.
Toilets and hot water service units are leak hot spots. Follow the instructions below to test if your toilet is leaking and check around your hot water unit for any visible signs.
If you can’t fix the leak, contact a licensed plumber. If you’re renting, contact your rental provider or agent. We also may be able to help, by covering the cost of upgrading or replacing inefficient water fixtures and fittings in your home.
Our WaterAssist Home Program can help homeowners upgrade a toilet, tapware or showerheads as well as repair leaks. If your household is eligible, you can receive up to $360 worth of plumbing services for FREE to help fix water leaks and reduce your bill. To see if you can access this program, please give us a call and we’ll help you find out.
How to check your toilets for leaks
That’s easy:
- Grab some food dye (as its safe for our waterways) and put 6-8 drops inside the cistern
- Wait for at least five minutes, or overnight without flushing if you can
- If you see any food dye in the toilet bowl, it’s a sign that you have a leaking cistern
- It may be time to call a plumber in to fix it
- If you need further support, or would like to find out if you are eligible for our WaterAssist Home Program, contact us on 1300 656 007.
In addition to being water wise in and outside your home or business, remember our PWSR are in place all year round.