Water mains replacements

Every year, we replace up to 20 kilometres of old and damaged pipes, at a cost of around $4 million. This important ongoing maintenance program minimises repairs, reduces supply interruptions and ensures continued water quality.

Pipe replacement

Where possible, pipes are replaced using trenchless technology, reducing the impact on residents and the local environment. This is done using one of two methods:

  • Pipe bursting: new pipes are pulled through the existing pipe system, expanding and cracking the old pipes.
  • Directional drilling: a computer-controlled drill bores horizontally underground, and new pipes are pulled through the bore. This is the preferred method when a new alignment is required.

Where it is impractical to use trenchless methods, we replace pipes using the following methods:

  • Open trench: new pipes are laid parallel to existing pipes in an excavated open trench. The old pipes are abandoned, and left in the ground.
  • Lift and relay: old pipes are dug out and removed, and new pipes laid in similar positions in their place. This method is required when space is limited.

Planning and works

During works, affected residents and businesses are connected to a temporary water supply line – a thick black or blue plastic pipe, typically running next to the footpath along front fences or boundaries. This temporary line may cross footpaths and driveways, and remains in place throughout construction.

When a section of pipe replacements have been completed, the new pipes are flushed, and water quality is tested before customers are reconnected.

Nature strips, pavement and roads affected by any work are restored within a few weeks. Any restoration work is coordinated with local councils.

Public facilities, such as schools and hospitals, are not compromised by replacement works.

We record all pipe failures and produce forecasts for future replacements.

Impact on residents and businesses

Prior to any construction work, affected customers are notified of:

  • the scope of work
  • temporary water supply arrangements
  • estimated completion
  • any property access or reinstatement needs, and
  • our contact details.

Our normal working hours are from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Construction work can last anywhere from a few days to a few months – our contractors have several work crews working across our region, and crews may not always be on-site.

To protect pedestrians, motorists and residents, we erect barricades around our equipment, tools, storage facilities, and any works which might pose a hazard or safety risk. Our storage shed locations are coordinated with local councils to ensure minimal impact on local residents.

Works may impact on-street parking, and residents will be notified if works affect property access. Traffic signs will be erected at either end of the works area, and traffic management staff are stationed at intersections or partial road closures.