Birregurra water supply upgrade

We’re pleased to announce that we have completed building a new underground pipeline to connect Birregurra to the Colac water supply system. The upgrade will ensure we can continue to provide high quality, affordable and secure services for our existing customers, as well as cater for future growth.

Birregurra’s water is now sourced from the West Gellibrand and Olangolah catchments in the Otway Ranges.

The pipeline has many benefits to customers, community and the environment including:

  • increased water security for Birregurra, without impacting Colac’s water security
  • addressing water quality risks and low pressure
  • reduced greenhouse gas emissions and water losses
  • improved bushfire resilience
  • keeping water bills affordable.

Learn more at our dedicated microsite

We’ve set up dedicated microsite for the Birregurra water supply upgrade project. The site includes an image of the proposed concept alignment of the pipeline, frequently asked questions, a news archive and more.

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