The Anglesea borefield is one of a number of water sources that can supplement the existing Greater Geelong water supply system. Our diverse water supply mix is part of a balanced approach to managing the region’s water resources and providing greater water security.
The Anglesea borefield operates in conjunction with an extensive environmental monitoring program, which includes community oversight of the monitoring through the Anglesea River Working Group.
The environmental monitoring program is in place to provide data and information about the long-term sustainability of groundwater resources in the area and protect the environmental values and health of groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
We’re committed to sharing information on the operation of the borefield and will do this through ongoing updates to the Anglesea River Working Group, local community and environmental groups, information sessions, and online.
Learn more at our dedicated microsite
The site includes a comprehensive document library, frequently asked questions, news archive, discussion forum, and more.
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