Environment and climate change

Barwon Water is an environmental business. Our climate is changing, and so are we.

Our services underpin and protect life, from microscopic plants, to animals and humans. As the region grows, we are working to integrate urban areas within their broader landscapes, reducing waste via circular economy projects and preserving our local biodiversity.

Our ability to provide reliable water is highly dependent on a stable climate. Plus, our core business activities are energy-intensive, so we are a major greenhouse gas contributor.

That’s why we’ve made the switch to 100% renewable electricity, and are continuing to invest in innovative emissions reduction projects, with a target to achieve zero net emissions in our operations by 2030.

A region of natural beauty

Our region is home to some of Australia’s most iconic natural environments and flora and fauna species. It includes the coastal environment of the Great Ocean Road, temperate rainforests of the Otway ranges, native grasslands of the volcanic plains, grassy woodlands of the Brisbane Ranges, internationally-recognised Ramsar wetlands and marine national parks and sanctuaries.

Pristine catchments and waterways

Harvesting drinking water has a significant impact on waterways and their environs, and the groundwater-dependent ecosystems linked to underground aquifers.

Our aim is to minimise the environmental impact of supplying water to protect and enhance our catchments.

Land rich in natural biodiversity

Many of our asset and infrastructure sites are rich in biodiversity.

When we plan and construct new infrastructure and manage our land, we aim to protect, enhance and restore land and biodiversity values.

We are investing in some great initiatives aimed at protecting and enhancing the natural environment.

Murrk Ngubitj Yarram Yaluk (former Bellarine Basin)

We are embarking on a project to transform our former Bellarine Basin site into more than 30 hectares of environmental and public open space to be enjoyed by the community for years to come.

Porronggitj Karrong and Aqueduct

We are progressing the Porronggitj Karrong project working in partnership with Wadawurrung Traditional Owners to rehabilitate the 66 hectares of public open space.

The project aims to provide A balanced ecological system incorporating Wadawurrung traditional values for the whole community to connect, listen and learn from Country.

East Barwon Willow Removal and Restoration Project

Barwon Water is working with local landowners, the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) and specialised consultants and experts to remove willows within a section of the East Barwon River to support water security and waterway health.

Adapting to a changing climate

Our climate is predicted to get hotter and drier, driving water demand up and supply down. Streamflow into our reservoirs is projected to reduce by 30% by 2040. We also face the likelihood of extreme and unpredictable weather and increased risk from storms and bushfire.

Here are just a few of the things we’re already doing to prepare for the possible impacts of climate change:

  • Water for Our Future – After more than two years of working with customers, the community and stakeholders we finalised our 2022 Urban Water Strategy: Water for our Future to secure a secure future where our rivers flow, our foods grow and our impact is low.
  • Diversifying our drinking water sources, including water sourced from rivers, groundwater (Anglesea Borefield) and desalinated seawater via connection to the greater Melbourne water supply system.
  • Harnessing alternative water sources such as Class A recycled water for garden watering and toilet flushing in key existing regional growth areas of Armstrong Creek and Torquay North and in future major urban growth areas north and west of Geelong.
  • Upgrading our infrastructure for better resilience to extreme weather.
  • Working with regional and sector partners to develop targeted climate change research, development and innovation.
  • Supporting water efficient behaviour by customers.

Cutting our carbon footprint

Treating and transporting water and sewage is an energy-intensive business. We previously emitted more than 40,000 tonnes of greenhouse emissions a year, making us one of the biggest local contributors to greenhouse gases.

We need to be part of the solution – not the problem – so we’re taking the lead on climate action. That’s why we’ve switched to 100% renewable electricity and are targeting zero net emissions in our operations by 2030.

Every day we’re reducing our emissions by making our operations more energy efficient and by designing new and upgraded infrastructure with zero emissions in mind.

Previously more than 80% of our emissions came from electricity. We now use 100% renewable, zero-emission electricity through our portfolio of solar, biogas, wind and hydroelectricity assets, in partnership with organisations and local businesses, capable of generating over 65 megawatt-hours of electricity each year.

ProjectDescriptionAnnual volume (up to)Status

Black Rock solar farm

3,000 kilowatt solar farm. The first megawatt-scale solar installation in the Australian water industry. Directly supplies up to 35% of electricity used by the Black Rock Water Reclamation Plant, which services a population of 265,000 people.

4.4 GWh

Stage 1 complete 2018

Stage 2 complete 2019

Northern WRP solar330-kilowatt solar array, supplying around 15% of the plant’s annual electricity use.0.4 GWhCompleted 

Wurdee Boluc solar and battery

300-kilowatt solar array, supplying around 40% of the water treatment plant’s annual electricity use. Coupled with this is a 200 kilowatt-hour, 180-kilovolt-ampere battery energy storage system.

0.4 GWh

Completed 2019

Torquay solar

240-kilowatt solar array located next to our water storage in Torquay, opposite the 7-star Torquay Salt residential development on our old basin site.

0.3 GWh

Completed 2018

Kadak depot solar

80-kilowatt rooftop solar array on our depot in Breakwater.

0.1 GWh

Completed 2018

Colac Renewable Organics Network (RON)

An Australian-first waste-to-energy and renewable heat supply network built on the concept of a circular-economy. Generating electricity and heat using biogas methane produced by our Colac Water Reclamation Plant’s anaerobic treatment of local trade-waste customer discharges. Stage 1: 360-kilowatt biogas-powered generator. Stage 2: additional 550 kilowatts generation capacity and heat network.

5.5 GWh (electricity and heat)

Stage 1 complete 2021

Stage 2 in commissioning 2024

Montpellier mini-hydro

Re-commissioning the 135-kilowatt mini-hydro turbine at the Montpellier Basins in Highton, harnessing gravitational energy in water received from the Moorabool Water Treatment Plant.

1.0 GWh

Completed 2019

Zero Emissions Water PPA

A first-of-its-kind partnership of twelve Victorian water corporations, buying renewable electricity via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the 200 megawatt Kiamal Solar Farm in north-west Victoria.

7.6 GWh

Operational 2021

Barwon Renewable Energy Partnership (BREP) PPA

An initiative of Barwon Water, Barwon Health and GeelongPort, who joined forces to secure a long-term renewable Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm, located between Geelong and Colac.

45 GWh

Operational 2022

Zero net emissions

By switching to 100% renewable electricity, we have eliminated our dominant source of emissions, grid electricity.

To achieve our 2030 target of zero net emissions we will tackle the remainder of our operational emissions. These emissions are directly produced as a by-product of wastewater treatment processes, representing over 80% of our residual emissions, and from fuel combustion in heavy vehicles, light vehicles, plant and equipment.

Whilst we will continue to optimise our wastewater treatment processes, leveraging water industry innovation, research and development, a significant portion of these emissions will be unavoidable. Fuel combustion emissions are also expected to reduce over time as zero emissions vehicles roll-out, for example our hydrogen-powered biosolids transport vehicle.

To address our remaining emissions by 2030, we will implement a carbon sequestration and offsetting program together with our regional and industry partners. Nature-based initiatives, such as the Dewing Creek catchment restoration project, will absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it to a solid, in trees, roots and other biomass. Our Regional Renewable Organics Network will transform organic waste into biochar, removing further carbon from the atmosphere.