About us
Annual performance scorecard 2022–2023 (year 5) and overall 5-year performance
Every five years, Barwon Water develops a Price Submission, a five-year plan that outlines our proposed water and sewerage prices, service standards, infrastructure and operational investments.
The plan for 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2023 was developed in partnership with our customers and community, following 18 months of community conversation and is our commitment to delivering greater value for our customers.
As part of our Price Submission, we committed to:
- continually involve our customers and community in our decision making;
- hold ourselves to account and honour what we said we would deliver;
- regular ‘check-ins’ with our customers and community to ensure their values are aligned with our service; and
- ensuring our actions align with what our customers want us to do.
Barwon Water is working hard to keep customer bills affordable, while at the same time investing in critical water and sewerage infrastructure and initiatives to use more recycled water, reduce energy costs and help customers pay their bills and save water.
During 2022–2023, we worked towards delivering five service outcomes our customers told us they most valued and expected from their water and sewerage services:
- Outcome 1 - A reliable, secure water future for our region
- Outcome 2 - Timely, innovative services for our customers
- Outcome 3 - A healthier environment for all
- Outcome 4 - Deeper knowledge and partnerships with our community
- Outcome 5 - Affordability for all our customers
Summary of results
The table below summarises our overall performance for our first year delivering the 2023 Price Submission, using a traffic light system for each outcome, with an overall rating for the year.
Outcome | 2018–2019 | 2019–2020 | 2020–2021 | 2021–2022 | 2022-2023 |
1. A reliable, secure water future for our region | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ |
2. Timely, innovative services for our customers | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ |
3. A healthier environment for all | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ |
4. Deeper knowledge and partnerships with our community | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ |
5. Affordability for all of our customers | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ |
Overall | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ | ⬤ |
Overall performance rating for 2018 to 2023 – Green
Each outcome below is made up of numerous indicators and our performance for each measure is summarised using the traffic light system similar to the table above.
The ESC uses the same methodology in tracking our performance and full details are available on the ESC website, which highlight our targets, results and detailed commentary. Please note these results may be updated once the ESC publishes their final results in late-September.
Performance Highlights

Outcome 1: Boomaroo Nurseries and Barwon Water partner to save water
Boomaroo Nurseries, a commercial nursery that supplies over 300 million wholesale vegetable seedlings each year, has saved an estimated 40ML of drinking water per year thanks to their clever project and funding from a Barwon Water grant. Learn more here.

Outcome 2: Councils sign waste supply agreements for Regional Renewable Organics Network
Barwon Water and four local councils joined forces to transform organic waste into high value products for agriculture and other industries, and at the same time generate renewable energy in a big step forward for the circular economy in Victoria. Learn more here.

Outcome 3: Barwon Renewable Energy Partnership secures wind power agreement
The Barwon Renewable Energy Partnership (B-REP) of Barwon Water, Barwon Health and GeelongPort collectively took a big step towards using 100 per cent renewable electricity and producing net zero emissions having secured a power purchase agreement (PPA) with a local wind farm. Learn more here.

Outcome 4: Traditional name for new community and environmental space
The environmental and community place planned for Barwon Water’s former Bellarine Basin at the corner of Grubb and Swan Bay roads in Wallington has a new name – Murrk Ngubitj Yarram Yaluk – meaning ‘head waters of continuous flowing river’ in Wadawurrung language. Learn more here.

Outcome 5: Joining forces to combat financial disadvantage
We are one of eighteen organisations in Geelong that have pledged work together to use our collective influence in combatting financial disadvantage in our region. Learn more here.